Tennessee Bans Deer Rehabilitation

We’ve been dreading making this announcement, but with fawn season fast approaching and the new rules becoming official today, we’ve unfortunately got to break this upsetting news. We (and other rehabilitators in Tennessee) will no longer be allowed to to rehabilitate deer under any circumstances. This is true regardless of the deer’s age, condition, orContinue reading “Tennessee Bans Deer Rehabilitation”

It’s Not Dead Until It’s Warm and Dead: Saving Unresponsive Animals

With the kind of chill we’ve had this winter, we wanted to share an important tip about saving animals. This is one of the first things rehabilitators learn when it comes to wildlife first aid! It’s very possible that you might find a “dead” animal one day in very cold weather. This may include aContinue reading “It’s Not Dead Until It’s Warm and Dead: Saving Unresponsive Animals”

Confused Birds: Not Miracles or Social Media Accessories

Social media can be both a very good thing and a very bad thing for wildlife. One of the most unfortunate trends we’ve seen over the last few years involves people taking videos and photos with seriously injured birds while declaring the unfortunate animal’s behavior miraculous. We’re not here to knock anyone’s spiritual beliefs, butContinue reading “Confused Birds: Not Miracles or Social Media Accessories”

Five Signs a Fawn Needs Help

It’s baby season, so we’ll be focusing our posts over the next few days on identifying babies that are truly orphaned and in need of help! Some of the most common kidnapping victims are fawns. Their mothers leave them alone for long periods of time, so well-meaning people often mistake them for orphans. It’s usuallyContinue reading “Five Signs a Fawn Needs Help”

Never Feed an Orphaned Wild Animal

People with good intentions accidentally kill a lot of baby animals. Please make sure you don’t contribute to this problem this baby season if you come across a baby animal in need! Orphaned animals are almost always hypothermic and dehydrated after hours or days without their mothers’ care. When they’re in that state, they can’tContinue reading “Never Feed an Orphaned Wild Animal”

Found an Orphaned Animal? Keep it Warm!

If you find a baby animal and are certain that it is truly orphaned— for example, because you actually saw the mother’s body nearby or because the babies are clearly emaciated— the most important thing you can do is keep it warm! Hypothermia— freezing to death— is the most common cause of death in orphanedContinue reading “Found an Orphaned Animal? Keep it Warm!”